ASSESSOR incorporates data on spawners (escapement), harvest, and age composition into a retrospective run reconstruction and probabilistic forecast under a Bayesian framework. The general structure follows that of Fleischman et al. (2013), but ASSESSOR also allows for the inclusion of specific external drivers of productivity, both natural (e.g., climate variability) and anthropogenic (e.g., flow alteration). The model is composed of two primary pieces: a process model that governs the true population dynamics, and an observation model that relates the data in hand to the true process.
Process component
We begin with our process model that describes the true, but unknown production of offspring from their parents. In any given year t, spawning adults produce some number of surviving offspring, which follows a general Ricker model, such that
\[\log(R_t) = \log(S_t) + a_t \ – bS_t + w_t.\]
Here \(R_t\) is the total number of subsequent recruits (offspring) born in year t; \(S_t\) is the true, but unobserved, number of spawning adults; \(a_t\) is the annual density-independent productivity; \(b\) is the strength of density dependence; and \(w_t\) is a process error representing environmental stochasticity, which is autocorrelated over time according to \(w_t \sim \text{N}(\phi w_{t-1}, q_a)\).
Previous applications of time-varying productivity (e.g., Peterman et al. 2003; Dorner et al. 2008) have used a Markov form where \(a_t \sim \text{N}(a_{t-1}, \sigma_a)\), but we will model \((a_t)\) as a function of time-varying covariates. Specifically,
\[a_t = \bar{a} + \sum_{i=1}^{M} c_{i,t} \ X_{i,t+h} \]
Here \(\bar{a}\) is the underlying mean productivity, and \(c_{i,t}\) is the effect of covariate \(i\) at time \(t\), \(X_{i,t+h}\). To allow for direct comparison of effect sizes, the covariates are typically standardized to have a zero mean and unit variance.
The estimated number of fish of age \(a\) returning in year \(t\) \((N_{a,t})\) is then product of the total number of brood-year recruits in year \(t – a\) and the proportion of mature fish from that brood year that returned to spawn at age \(a\) \((p_{a,t-a})\), such that
\[N_{a,t} = R_{t-a} \ p_{a,t-a}.\]
The vector of age-specific return rates for brood year \(t\) \((\mathbf{p}_t)\) has length \(A\), which equals the number of adult age classes. That is, \(\mathbf{p}_t\) is a combination of the probability of surviving to, and maturing in years \(t + a_\min\) to \(t + a_\max\). We modeled \((\mathbf{p}_t)\) as a random effect using a hierarchical form of the Dirichlet distribution, where
\[\mathbf{p}_t \sim \text{Dirichlet}(\boldsymbol{\mu},\pi).\]
In this formulation, the mean vector \(\boldsymbol{\mu}\) is itself distributed as a Dirichlet, and therefore has a total of \(A\) elements that are all greater than zero. The precision parameter \(\pi\) affects each of the elements in \(\boldsymbol{\mu}\), such that large values of \(\pi\) results in values of \(\mathbf{p}_t\) that are very close to \(\boldsymbol{\mu}\).
Observation component
Estimates of the number of spawning adults necessarily contain some sampling or observation errors due to incomplete censuses, mis-identification, etc. Therefore, we will assume that the estimates of escapement \((E_t)\) are log-normally distributed about the true number of spawners \((S_t)\)
\[\log(E_t) \sim \text{Normal}\left(\log(S_t), r_s\right).\]
We do not have the ability to estimate the observation variances for both the escapement and harvest without any additional prior information. Therefore, we will assume the harvest is recorded without error and calculate \(S_t\) as the difference between the estimated total run size \((N_t)\) and harvest \((H_t)\)
\[S_t = N_t - H_t.\]
and \(N_t\) is the sum of \(N_{a,t}\) over all age classes.
The age composition data include the number of fish in each age class \(a\) in year \(t\) \((O_{a,t})\). The age data are then modeled as a multinomial process with order \(Y_t\) and proportion vector \(\mathbf{d}_t\), such that
\[\mathbf{O}_t \sim \text{Multinomial}(Y_t, \mathbf{d}_t).\]
The order of the multinomial is simply the sum of the observed numbers of fish across all ages returning in year \(t\):
\[Y_t = \sum_{a=a_\min}^{a_\max} O_{a,t}\]
The proportion vector \(\mathbf{d}_t\) for the multinomial is based on the age-specific, model-derived estimates of adult returns in year \(t\) \((N_{a,t})\), such that
\[d_{a,t} = {N_{a,t} \over \displaystyle \sum_{a=a_\min}^{a_\max} N_{a,t}}.\]
Loading the covariates
This analysis uses 6 covariates as drivers of the population’s instrinic growth rate:
- Maximum river discharge in winter
- Minimum river discharge in summer
- Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
- North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO)
- Hatchery releases
River discharge
We begin by getting the daily flow data from the US Geological Service National Water Information System. We will use the direct link to the gage data from the Skagit River near Mount Vernon, WA (#12178100), beginning with the first year of fish data.
## flow site
flow_site <- 12178100
## get URL for flow data from USGS
flow_url <- paste0("https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/dv",
Next we will retrieve the raw data file and print its metadata.
## raw flow data from USGS
flow_raw <- readLines(flow_url)
## lines with metadata
hdr_flow <- which(lapply(flow_raw,grep,pattern="\\#")==1, arr.ind=TRUE)
## print flow metadata
## [1] # ---------------------------------- WARNING ----------------------------------------
## [2] # Some of the data that you have obtained from this U.S. Geological Survey database
## [3] # may not have received Director's approval. Any such data values are qualified
## [4] # as provisional and are subject to revision. Provisional data are released on the
## [5] # condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable
## [6] # for any damages resulting from its use.
## [7] #
## [8] # Additional info: https://help.waterdata.usgs.gov/policies/provisional-data-statement
## [9] #
## [10] # File-format description: https://help.waterdata.usgs.gov/faq/about-tab-delimited-output
## [11] # Automated-retrieval info: https://help.waterdata.usgs.gov/faq/automated-retrievals
## [12] #
## [13] # Contact: gs-w_support_nwisweb@usgs.gov
## [14] # retrieved: 2017-04-26 14:44:50 EDT (caww02)
## [15] #
## [16] # Data for the following 1 site(s) are contained in this file
## [18] # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## [19] #
## [20] # Data provided for site 12178100
## [21] # TS parameter statistic Description
## [22] # 149343 00060 00003 Discharge, cubic feet per second (Mean)
## [23] #
## [24] # Data-value qualification codes included in this output:
## [25] # A Approved for publication -- Processing and review completed.
## [26] # e Value has been estimated.
## [27] #
Lastly, we will extract the actual flow data for the years of interest and inspect the file contents.
## flow data for years of interest
dat_flow <- read.csv(textConnection(flow_raw[-c(hdr_flow,max(hdr_flow+2))]),
header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep="\t")
colnames(dat_flow) <- unlist(strsplit(tolower(flow_raw[max(hdr_flow)+1]), split="\\s+"))
## agency_cd site_no datetime 149343_00060_00003 149343_00060_00003_cd
## 1 USGS 12178100 1978-01-01 58 A
## 2 USGS 12178100 1978-01-02 55 A
## 3 USGS 12178100 1978-01-03 56 A
## 4 USGS 12178100 1978-01-04 66 A
## 5 USGS 12178100 1978-01-05 90 A
## 6 USGS 12178100 1978-01-06 87 A
The first 3 columns in the data file are the agency (agency_cd
), location (site_no
), and date (datetime
). The daily flow measurements are in the 4th column (149343_00060_00003
), so we will only keep datetime
and 149343_00060_00003
, and rename them to date
and flow
, respectively. We will also convert the units from “cubic feet per second” to “cubic meters per second”.
## keep only relevant columns
dat_flow <- dat_flow[c("datetime",grep("[0-9]$",colnames(dat_flow),value=TRUE))]
## nicer column names
colnames(dat_flow) <- c("date","flow")
## convert cubic feet to cubic meters
dat_flow$flow <- dat_flow$flow / 35.3147
## flow by year & month
dat_flow[,"year"] <- as.integer(sub("^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})","\\1",
dat_flow[,"month"] <- as.integer(sub("^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})","\\2",
dat_flow <- dat_flow[,c("year","month","flow")]
Winter maximum
We are interested in the maximum of the daily peak flows from October through March during the first year that juveniles are rearing in streams. This means we need to combine flow values for the fall of year \(t\) with those in the spring of year \(t+1\). Therefore, the flow time series will begin in yr_frst = 1978`; the last year of flow data will then be
yr_last - age_min + n_fore + flow_lag = 2014`.
## autumn flows in year t
flow_aut <- subset(dat_flow, (month>=10 & month<=12)
& year >= yr_frst & year <= yr_last-age_min+n_fore)
## spring flows in year t+1
flow_spr <- subset(dat_flow, (month>=1 & month<=3)
& year >= yr_frst+flow_lag & year <= yr_last-age_min+n_fore+flow_lag)
## change spr year index to match aut
flow_spr[,"year"] <- flow_spr[,"year"] - flow_lag
## combined flows indexed to brood year and calculate max flow over time period
dat_flow_wtr <- aggregate(flow ~ year, data=rbind(flow_aut,flow_spr), max)
## change year index to brood year
dat_flow_wtr[,"year"] <- dat_flow_wtr[,"year"]
## for plotting purpose later
colnames(dat_flow_wtr)[2] <- "Winter"
Summer minimum
Now we will calculate the minimum flow juveniles would experience during their first summer (June through September).
## summer flows in year t
flow_sum <- subset(dat_flow, (month>=6 & month<=9)
& year >= yr_frst+flow_lag & year <= yr_last-age_min+n_fore+flow_lag)
## change year index to brood year
flow_sum[,"year"] <- flow_sum[,"year"] - flow_lag
## combined flows indexed to brood year and calculate max flow over time period
dat_flow_sum <- aggregate(flow ~ year, data=flow_sum, min)
## for plotting purpose later
colnames(dat_flow_sum)[2] <- "Summer"
North Pacific Gyre Oscillation
We used the monthly NPGO data provided by Emanuele Di Lorenzo, which are available here. We begin by downloading the raw NPGO data and viewing the metadata.
## URL for NPGO data
url_NPGO <- "http://www.o3d.org/npgo/npgo.php"
## raw NPGO data
NPGO_raw <- readLines(url_NPGO)
## line with data headers
hdr_NPGO <- which(lapply(NPGO_raw,grep,pattern="YEAR")==1, arr.ind=TRUE)
## print PDO metadata
## [1]
## [2] <html>
## [3] <body>
## [4]
## [5] <pre># Last update 29-Mar-2017 by E. Di Lorenzo
## [6] # NPGO index monthly averages
## [7] # from Jan-1950 to Feb-2017
## [8] #
## [9] # WARNING: Values after Dec-2004 are updated
## [10] # using Satellite SSHa from AVISO Delayed Time product.
## [11] # http://opendap.aviso.oceanobs.com/thredds/dodsC/dataset-duacs-dt-global-allsat-msla-h
## [12] #
## [13] # PRELIMINARY: Values after Jan-2016 are preliminary and updated
## [14] # using Satellite SSHa from AVISO Near Real Time product.
## [15] # http://opendap.aviso.oceanobs.com/thredds/dodsC/dataset-duacs-nrt-over30d-global-allsat-msla-h
## [16] #
## [17] # The update is performed by taking the NPGO spatial pattern of Di Lorenzo et al. 2008
## [18] # computed over the period 1950-2004, and projecting the AVISO Satellite SSHa.
## [19] # During the pre-processing of the AVISO data, we remove the seasonal cycle based on
## [20] # the 1993-2004 seasonal means.
## [21] #
## [22] # AVISO PRODUCT UPDATE Summer 2014: AVISO has released a re-processed dataset for the sea level.
## [23] # Starting from the November 2014, the NPGO index is computed with this updated dataset. NPGO
## [24] # values from 2004 onward have been recomputed with very minor differences from previous releases.
## [25] #
## [26] # Ref:
## [27] # Di Lorenzo et al., 2008: North Pacific Gyre Oscillation
## [28] # links ocean climate and ecosystem change, GRL.
## [29] #
## [30] # YEAR MONTH NPGO index
Next, we will extract the actual NPGO indices for the years of interest and inspect the file contents. We also want the average NPGO annual index from January 1 through December 31 during the first year that the juvenile steelhead are in the ocean (i.e., during their second year of life). Therefore, we need NPGO values from yr_frst + marine_lag
= 1980 through yr_last - age_min + n_fore + marine_lag
= 2015.
## NPGO data for years of interest
dat_NPGO<- read.table(url_NPGO, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
skip=hdr_NPGO + (yr_frst-1950)*12, nrows = n_yrs*12)
colnames(dat_NPGO) <- c("year","month","NPGO")
## select only years of interest indexed by brood year
dat_NPGO <- dat_NPGO[dat_NPGO$year >= yr_frst+marine_lag &
dat_NPGO$year <= yr_last-age_min+n_fore+marine_lag,]
dat_NPGO <- aggregate(dat_NPGO$NPGO, by = list(year = dat_NPGO$year), FUN = mean)
dat_NPGO <- data.frame(year=seq(yr_frst,yr_last-age_min+n_fore), NPGO=dat_NPGO[,2])
colnames(dat_NPGO) <- c("year","NPGO")
## year NPGO
## 1 1978 -0.74910728
## 2 1979 -0.22184056
## 3 1980 -0.68669138
## 4 1981 -0.09206469
## 5 1982 0.62075004
## 6 1983 -0.39390105
## 7 1984 -0.73284729
## 8 1985 0.42917473
## 9 1986 1.32363676
## 10 1987 0.61224062
## 11 1988 -0.20154612
## 12 1989 -0.49891471
## 13 1990 -1.09491887
## 14 1991 -1.90199259
## 15 1992 -1.21159878
## 16 1993 -1.03920855
## 17 1994 -0.97283661
## 18 1995 -0.65769062
## 19 1996 0.54455328
## 20 1997 1.51578052
## 21 1998 1.88586129
## 22 1999 2.08069338
## 23 2000 1.47359396
## 24 2001 0.95850719
## 25 2002 0.20946025
## 26 2003 -1.38191795
## 27 2004 -0.55504200
## 28 2005 0.59309821
## 29 2006 1.45527456
## 30 2007 0.73691484
## 31 2008 1.36856888
## 32 2009 0.85769221
## 33 2010 1.47652240
## 34 2011 0.34436469
## 35 2012 -0.25115912
## 36 2013 -1.39691805
Spring Transition Index
We calculated the spring transition index (STI) from the daily coastal upwelling index (CUI) provided by NOAA’s Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory (PFEL); you can find more information here. We begin by downloading the raw CUI data and viewing the metadata.
## URL for CUI data
url_CUI <- "https://www.pfeg.noaa.gov/products/PFELData/upwell/daily/p06dayac.all"
## raw CUI data from PFEL
CUI_raw <- readLines(url_CUI)
## line with data headers
hdr_CUI <- which(lapply(CUI_raw,grep,pattern="YYYYMMDD")==1, arr.ind=TRUE)
## print CUI metadata
## [1] Bakun Index Values from NOAA/NMFS/PFEG for: 48N 125W
## [2] Values are daily average of wind-driven crossshore transports computed from
## [3] FNMOC six-hourly surface pressure analyses. Indices are in units of cubic
## [4] meters per second along each 100 meters of coastline. -9999 indicates missing
## [5] value. Positive numbers indicate offshore transport. Day is based on PST.
## get daily CUI data
dat_CUI <- read.table(url_CUI, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, skip=hdr_CUI-1)
## extract year from date
dat_CUI$yr <- gsub("[0-9]{4}$","",dat_CUI$YYYYMMDD)
## select only years of interest
cui <- dat_CUI[dat_CUI$yr >= yr_frst+marine_lag & dat_CUI$yr <= yr_last-age_min+n_fore+marine_lag,]
## calculate cumulative upwelling by year
cum_CUI <- tapply(cui[,"Index"], cui$yr, cumsum)
## function to return spring transition index
get_STI <- function(x, day_max=200) {
## calc STI for each year
dat_STI <- data.frame(year=seq(yr_frst,yr_last-age_min+n_fore),STI=sapply(cum_CUI,get_STI))
Hatchery releases
The numbers of hatchery fish released each year is listed in a file on the project site. They have already been lagged 2 years (i.e., brood year + 2) to account for the potential competitive interactions during their juvenile life stage. (We will divide the release number by 1000 for plotting purposes.)
dat_hrel <- read.csv(text = getURL(paste0(ex_url,fn_hrel)))
## year Hrel
## 1 1978 340416
## 2 1979 274090
## 3 1980 216537
## 4 1981 300942
## 5 1982 241931
## 6 1983 256238
## 7 1984 319220
## 8 1985 125280
## 9 1986 229013
## 10 1987 217948
## 11 1988 226771
## 12 1989 205732
## 13 1990 154815
## 14 1991 375642
## 15 1992 377991
## 16 1993 379290
## 17 1994 314095
## 18 1995 328461
## 19 1996 583720
## 20 1997 445434
## 21 1998 463027
## 22 1999 463460
## 23 2000 421213
## 24 2001 513330
## 25 2002 529821
## 26 2003 466100
## 27 2004 517000
## 28 2005 511560
## 29 2006 235010
## 30 2007 174000
## 31 2008 231500
## 32 2009 240000
## 33 2010 226050
## 34 2011 235000
## 35 2012 0
## 36 2013 0
Combine all covariates
The last thing we will do is combine the covariates into one file and standardize them to have zero-mean and unit-variance.
## covariate(s)
dat_cvrs <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T),
## drop year col
dat_cvrs <- dat_cvrs[,-1]
## transform the covariates to z-scores
scl_cvrs <- scale(dat_cvrs)
## total number of covariates
n_cov <- dim(scl_cvrs)[2]
Specifying model in JAGS
Now we can specify the model in JAGS. Note that the code below is not written to be universally generic with respect to the number of covariates, but rather to emphasize how to incorporate the three we used in this specific application. The important thing is the number of covariate parameters in the PRIORS
sections (i.e., there must be a unique c_Name
parameter for each of the MM covariates).
model {
## alpha = exp(a) = intrinsic productivity
mu_Rkr_a ~ dnorm(0,1e-3)I(-4,4);
alpha <- exp(mu_Rkr_a);
E_Rkr_a <- mu_Rkr_a + var_Qr/(2 - 2*phi^2);
## covariate effects
for(i in 1:n_cov) { cc[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.001) }
## strength of dens depend
Rkr_b ~ dunif(0,0.1);
## AR(1) coef for proc errors
phi ~ dunif(-0.999,0.999);
## process variance for recruits model
sd_Qr ~ dunif(0.001,20);
tau_Qr <- pow(sd_Qr,-2);
var_Qr <- pow(sd_Qr,2)
## innovation in first year
innov_1 ~ dnorm(0,tau_Qr*(1-phi*phi));
## obs variance for spawners
sd_Rs ~ dunif(0.001,20);
tau_Rs <- pow(sd_Rs,-2);
var_Rs <- pow(sd_Rs,2)
## unprojectable early recruits;
## hyper mean across all popns
Rec_mu ~ dnorm(0,0.001);
## hyper SD across all popns
Rec_sig ~ dunif(0,100);
## precision across all popns
Rec_tau <- pow(Rec_sig,-2);
## multipliers for unobservable total runs
ttl_run_mu ~ dunif(1,5);
ttl_run_tau ~ dunif(1,20);
## maturity schedule
## unif vec for Dirch prior
for(i in 1:A) { theta[i] <- 1 }
## hyper-mean for maturity
p_mu ~ ddirch(theta);
## hyper-prec for maturity
p_pi ~ dunif(0.001,1e3);
for(t in 1:(n_yrs-age_min+n_fore)) { p_vec[t,1:A] ~ ddirch(p_mu*p_pi) }
## 1st brood yr requires different innovation
## predicted recruits in BY t
covar[1] <- inprod(cc,scl_cvrs[1,]);
ln_Rkr_a[1] <- mu_Rkr_a + covar[1];
E_ln_Rec[1] <- ln_Sp[1] + ln_Rkr_a[1] - Rkr_b*Sp[1] + phi*innov_1;
tot_ln_Rec[1] ~ dnorm(E_ln_Rec[1],tau_Qr);
res_ln_Rec[1] <- tot_ln_Rec[1] - E_ln_Rec[1];
## median of total recruits
tot_Rec[1] <- exp(tot_ln_Rec[1]);
## R/S
ln_RS[1] <- tot_ln_Rec[1] - ln_Sp[1];
## brood-yr recruits by age
for(a in 1:A) { Rec[1,a] <- max(1,tot_Rec[1] * p_vec[1,a]) };
## brood years 2:(n_yrs-age_min)
for(t in 2:(n_yrs-age_min+n_fore)) {
## predicted recruits in BY t
covar[t] <- inprod(cc,scl_cvrs[t,]);
ln_Rkr_a[t] <- mu_Rkr_a + covar[t];
E_ln_Rec[t] <- ln_Sp[t] + ln_Rkr_a[t] - Rkr_b*Sp[t] + phi*res_ln_Rec[t-1];
tot_ln_Rec[t] ~ dnorm(E_ln_Rec[t],tau_Qr);
res_ln_Rec[t] <- tot_ln_Rec[t] - E_ln_Rec[t];
## median of total recruits
tot_Rec[t] <- exp(tot_ln_Rec[t]);
## R/S
ln_RS[t] <- tot_ln_Rec[t] - ln_Sp[t];
## brood-yr recruits by age
for(a in 1:A) { Rec[t,a] <- max(1,tot_Rec[t] * p_vec[t,a]) };
} ## end t loop over year
## get total cal yr returns for first age_min yrs
for(i in 1:(age_min+age_skip)) {
ln_tot_Run[i] ~ dnorm(ttl_run_mu*Rec_mu,Rec_tau/ttl_run_tau);
tot_Run[i] <- exp(ln_tot_Run[i]);
## get predicted calendar year returns by age
## matrix Run has dim [(n_yrs-age_min) x A]
## step 1: incomplete early broods
## first cal yr of this grp is first brood yr + age_min + age_skip
for(i in 1:(age_max-age_min-age_skip)) {
## projected recruits
for(a in 1:(i+age_skip)) { Run[i,a] <- Rec[(age_skip+i)-a+1,a] };
## imputed recruits
for(a in (i+1+age_skip):A) {
lnRec[i,a] ~ dnorm(Rec_mu,Rec_tau);
Run[i,a] <- exp(lnRec[i,a]);
## total run size
tot_Run[i+age_min+age_skip] <- sum(Run[i,1:A]);
## predicted age-prop vec for multinom
for(a in 1:A) { age_v[i,a] <- Run[i,a] / tot_Run[i+age_min] };
## multinomial for age comp
dat_age[i,1:A] ~ dmulti(age_v[i,1:A],dat_age[i,A+1]);
lp_age[i] <- logdensity.multi(dat_age[i,1:A],age_v[i,1:A],dat_age[i,A+1]);
} ## end step 1
## step 2: info from complete broods
## first cal yr of this grp is first brood yr + age_max
for(i in (A-age_skip):(n_yrs-age_min-age_skip+n_fore)) {
for(a in 1:A) { Run[i,a] <- Rec[(age_skip+i)-a+1,a] };
## total run size
tot_Run[i+age_min+age_skip] <- sum(Run[i,1:A]);
## predicted age-prop vec for multinom
for(a in 1:A) { age_v[i,a] <- Run[i,a] / tot_Run[i+age_min] };
## multinomial for age comp
dat_age[i,1:A] ~ dmulti(age_v[i,1:A],dat_age[i,A+1]);
lp_age[i] <- logdensity.multi(dat_age[i,1:A],age_v[i,1:A],dat_age[i,A+1]);
## get predicted calendar year spawners
## first cal yr is first brood yr
for(t in 1:(n_yrs+n_fore)) {
## obs model for spawners
Sp[t] <- max(1,tot_Run[t] - dat_harv[t]);
ln_Sp[t] <- log(Sp[t]);
ln_dat_esc[t] ~ dnorm(ln_Sp[t], tau_Rs);
lp_esc[t] <- logdensity.norm(ln_dat_esc[t],ln_Sp[t], tau_Rs);
} ## end step 2
} ## end model description
", file=fn_jags)
Fitting the model
The last thing we need to do before fitting the model in JAGS is to specify:
- the data and indices that go into the model;
- the model parameters and states that we want JAGS to return;
- the MCMC control parameters.
Please note that the following code takes ~20 min to run on a quad-core machine with 3.5 GHz Intel processors.
## data to pass to JAGS
dat_jags <- c("dat_age","ln_dat_esc","dat_harv","scl_cvrs","n_cov",
## 2. model params/states for JAGS to return
par_jags <- c("alpha","E_Rkr_a","mu_Rkr_a","Rkr_b","ln_Rkr_a",
## 3. MCMC control params
## MCMC parameters
mcmc_chains <- 4
mcmc_length <- 5e5
mcmc_burn <- 2.5e5
mcmc_thin <- 500
## total number of MCMC samples
mcmc_samp <- (mcmc_length-mcmc_burn)*mcmc_chains/mcmc_thin
## function to create JAGS inits
init_vals <- function() {
list(mu_Rkr_a=1, cc=rnorm(n_cov,0,0.1),
Rkr_b=1/exp(mean(ln_dat_esc, na.rm=TRUE)),
p_pi=1, p_mu=rep(1,A),
## list of model info for JAGS
mod_jags <- list(data=dat_jags,
## fit the model in JAGS & store results
mod_fit <- do.call(jags.parallel, mod_jags)
Main results
Here is a table of summary statistics for some of the model parameters.
tbl_smry <- mod_fit$BUGSoutput$summary[c("E_Rkr_a","Rkr_b",
rownames(tbl_smry)[seq(n_cov)+2] <- colnames(dat_cvrs)
## mean sd 2.5% 50% 97.5%
## E_Rkr_a 1.148282 3.60e-01 5.14e-01 1.134268 1.790775
## Rkr_b 0.000128 4.45e-05 4.23e-05 0.000127 0.000216
## Winter -0.154901 7.58e-02 -3.04e-01 -0.154136 -0.001472
## Summer 0.022756 7.08e-02 -1.11e-01 0.021019 0.166034
## NPGO 0.098842 9.74e-02 -9.01e-02 0.096617 0.301322
## STI -0.041204 7.14e-02 -1.76e-01 -0.042964 0.108271
## Hrel -0.267316 1.10e-01 -4.83e-01 -0.270204 -0.043147
## var_Qr 0.125782 4.89e-02 5.62e-02 0.117119 0.246717
## var_Rs 0.043826 3.72e-02 7.21e-04 0.035717 0.135988
Spawner-recruit relationship
Here is the relationship between spawner and subsequent recruits (a), assuming mean values for all covariates. Gray lines show the median relationship for each of the 38 years based on \(a_t\). Note that for plotting purposes only in (b) and (c), the density in the largest bin for each parameter contains counts for all values greater or equal to that. Vertical arrows under the x-axes in (b) and (c) indicate the 2.5th, 50th, and 97.5th percentiles.
CI_vec <- c(0.025,0.5,0.975)
offSet <- 0.06
## posterior of spawners
sDat <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Sp,2,quantile,CI_vec)
sDat <- sDat[,1:(n_yrs-age_min+n_fore)]
## posterior of recruits
rDat <- exp(apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$tot_ln_Rec,2,quantile,CI_vec))
## median values for a & b
aa <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ln_Rkr_a,2,median)
bb <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Rkr_b,2,median)
## empty plot space for spawner-recruit relationships
dd <- 3000
yM <- Re2prec(max(rDat),"ceiling",dd)
yM <- 30000
xM <- Re2prec(max(sDat),"ceiling",dd)
par(mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0,0,0,0))
plot(sDat[2,],rDat[2,], xlim=c(0,xM), ylim=c(0,yM), pch=16, col="blue3", type="n",
xaxs="i", yaxs="i", ylab="Recruits (1000s)", xlab="Spawners (1000s)", cex.lab=1.2,
xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
axis(1, at=seq(0,xM,dd*2), labels=seq(0,xM,dd*2)/1000)
axis(2, at=seq(0,yM,dd*2), labels=seq(0,yM,dd*2)/1000)
for(i in 1:length(aa)) { lines(seq(xM)*exp(aa[i]-bb*seq(xM)), col="darkgray") }
## add S-R estimates and medians
nCB <- n_yrs-age_max
points(sDat[2,1:nCB],rDat[2,1:nCB], xlim=c(0,xM), ylim=c(0,yM), pch=16, col="blue3")
segments(sDat[2,1:nCB],rDat[1,1:nCB],sDat[2,1:nCB],rDat[3,1:nCB], col="blue3")
segments(sDat[1,1:nCB],rDat[2,1:nCB],sDat[3,1:nCB],rDat[2,1:nCB], col="blue3")
nTB <- dim(sDat)[2]
clr <- rgb(100, 0, 200, alpha=seq(200,100,length.out=age_max-age_min+n_fore), maxColorValue=255)
segments(sDat[2,(nCB+1):nTB],rDat[1,(nCB+1):nTB],sDat[2,(nCB+1):nTB],rDat[3,(nCB+1):nTB], col=clr)
segments(sDat[1,(nCB+1):nTB],rDat[2,(nCB+1):nTB],sDat[3,(nCB+1):nTB],rDat[2,(nCB+1):nTB], col=clr)
xlim=c(0,xM), ylim=c(0,yM), pch=16, col=clr)
## posterior for exp(a)
clr <- rgb(0, 0, 255, alpha = 50, maxColorValue = 255)
## Ricker a
R_alpha_est <- mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$alpha
alphaCI <- quantile(R_alpha_est,c(0.025,0.5,0.975))
R_alpha_est[R_alpha_est>9] <- 9
col=clr, border="blue3", ylab="", cex.lab=1.2, yaxt="n")
aHt <- (par()$usr[4]-par()$usr[3])/12
mtext(expression(paste("Instrinsic productivity ",(e^italic(a)))), 1, line=3, cex=1)
## posterior for a/b
aa <- matrix(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.array[,,"E_Rkr_a"],ncol=1)
bb <- matrix(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.array[,,"Rkr_b"],ncol=1)
R_b_est <- aa/bb
R_b_est <- R_b_est[R_b_est > 0]
R_b_CI <- quantile(R_b_est,c(0.025,0.5,0.975))
R_b_est[R_b_est>2e4] <- 2e4
brks <- seq(Re2prec(min(R_b_est),"floor",2000),2e4,length.out=length(seq(0,9,0.2)))
hist(R_b_est, freq=FALSE, breaks=brks, col=clr, border="blue3",
xlab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
main="", ylab="", cex.lab=1.2)
axis(1, at=seq(Re2prec(min(R_b_est),"floor",2000),1.8e4,4000))
aHt <- (par()$usr[4]-par()$usr[3])/12
mtext(expression(paste("Carrying capacity (",italic(a)/italic(b),")")), 1, line=3, cex=1)

Covariate effects
Here are time series plots of the covariates (a-e) and histograms of their effects on productivity (f-j).
clr <- rgb(0, 0, 255, alpha = 50, maxColorValue = 255)
offSet <- 0.07
c_est <- mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$cc
par(mfrow=c(n_cov,2), mai=c(0.4,0.2,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0.2,0.5,0,0))
ylN <- floor(min(c_est)*10)/10
ylM <- ceiling(max(c_est)*10)/10
brks <- seq(ylN,ylM,length.out=diff(c(ylN,ylM))*40+1)
cov_names <- c(expression(paste("Max flow (",m^3," ",s^{-1},")")),
expression(paste("Min flow (",m^3," ",s^{-1},")")),
"STI (day of year)",
expression(paste("H releases (",10^3,")")))
t_idx <- seq(yr_frst,length.out=n_yrs-age_min+n_fore)
for(i in 1:n_cov) {
if(i==5) {dat_cvrs[,i] <- dat_cvrs[,i]/1000}
## plot covar ts
plot(t_idx, dat_cvrs[seq(length(t_idx)),i], xlab="", ylab="",
main="", cex.axis=1.2, pch=16, col="blue3", type="o")
y=par()$usr[4]-offSet*diff(par()$usr[3:4]),paste0("(",letters[i],")"), cex=1.2)
mtext(side=2, cov_names[i], line=3, cex=1.2)
if(i==n_cov) { mtext(side=1,"Brood year", line=3) }
## plot covar effect
xlab="", yaxt="n", main="", ylab="", cex.axis=1.2)
c_CI <- quantile(c_est[,i],c(0.025,0.5,0.975))
aHt <- (par()$usr[4]-par()$usr[3])/20
abline(v=0, lty="dashed")
text(x=par()$usr[1]+par()$pin[2]/par()$pin[1]*offSet*diff(par()$usr[1:2]), cex=1.2,
if(i==n_cov) { mtext(side=1,"Effect size", line=3) }

Management reference points
Here are a number of management reference points.
# abbreviations for ref points
ref_names <- c("MSY","Smsy","Umsy","Umax")
# proportions of MSY to consider
yld_prop <- c(0.75,0.85,0.95)
aa <- matrix(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.array[,,"E_Rkr_a"],ncol=1)
alpha <- matrix(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.array[,,"alpha"],ncol=1)
mcmc <- length(aa)
# empty matrix for ref pts
ref.pts <- matrix(NA,mcmc,length(ref_names))
colnames(ref.pts) <- ref_names
# spawner series for optimal yield profile
SS <- seq(100,1e4,100)
# empty matrix for optimal yield profiles
OYP <- matrix(0,length(SS),length(yld_prop))
for(i in 1:mcmc) {
# spawners at MSY
ref.pts[i,"Smsy"] <- (1 - lambert_W0(exp(1-aa[i]))) / bb[i]
ref.pts[i,"MSY"] <- ref.pts[i,"Smsy"]*((exp(aa[i]-bb[i]*ref.pts[i,"Smsy"])) - 1)
# harvest rate at MSY
ref.pts[i,"Umsy"] <- (1 - lambert_W0(exp(1-aa[i])))
# max harvest rate
ref.pts[i,"Umax"] <- 1 - 1/alpha[i]
# yield over varying S
yield <- SS*(exp(aa[i]-bb[i]*SS) - 1)
for(j in 1:length(yld_prop)) {
OYP[,j] <- OYP[,j] + 1*(yield > yld_prop[j]*ref.pts[i,"MSY"])
OYP <- OYP/mcmc
## Prob of overfishing
hh <- seq(100)
Pr_over <- cbind(hh,hh,hh)
colnames(Pr_over) <- c("Umsy75","Umsy","Umax")
for(i in hh) {
Pr_over[i,"Umsy75"] <- sum(ref.pts[,"Umsy"]*0.75 < i/100)/mcmc_samp
Pr_over[i,"Umsy"] <- sum(ref.pts[,"Umsy"] < i/100)/mcmc_samp
Pr_over[i,"Umax"] <- sum(ref.pts[,"Umax"] < i/100)/mcmc_samp
## posterior exploitation rate & spawner abundance
aer <- Sp_ts <- mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Sp[,1:n_yrs]
for(i in 1:n_yrs) {
aer[,i] <- dat_harv[i] / (dat_harv[i] + Sp_ts[,i])
These are plots of (a) the probability that a given number of spawners produce average yields exceeding X% of MSY (i.e, optimal yield profiles); and (b) the cumulative probabilty of overfishing the population, based on harvest rates equal to those at 75% of MSY \((U_{\text{M75}})\), MSY \((U_{\text{MSY}})\), and the maximum \((U_{\text{Max}})\). The probability of exceeding \(U_{\text{Max}}\) indicates the risk that offspring will not replace their parents, which, if sustained, will lead to eventual extinction. The histograms above (a) and (b) are distributions of the posterior estimates for the number of spawners and harvest rates, respectively.
## OYP
par(mai=c(0.9,0.9,0,0), omi=c(0,0,0.1,0.1))
x_lp <- yld_prop
for(i in 1:length(x_lp)) {
x_lp[i] <- SS[max(which(OYP[,i] == max(OYP[,i]) | abs(OYP[,i] - (yld_prop[i]-0.3)) <= 0.05))]
matplot(SS, OYP, type="l", lty="solid", las=1, col=c("slateblue","blue","darkblue"), lwd=2,
xlab="Spawners", ylab="Probability of X% of MSY", cex.lab=1.2,
main="", ylim=c(0,1))
points(x=x_lp, y=yld_prop-0.3, pch=21, cex=3.5, col="white", bg="white")
text(x=x_lp, y=yld_prop-0.3, paste0(yld_prop*100,"%"),
col=c("slateblue","blue","darkblue"), cex=0.7)
## posterior spawner abundance over all years
hist(Sp_ts[Sp_ts<1e4], col=clr, border="blue3", breaks=40,
main="", yaxs="i", xaxt="n",yaxt="n",ylab="")
## prob of overfishing
matplot(Pr_over, type="l", las=1, lwd=2, lty="solid", col=c("slateblue","blue","darkblue"),
ylab="Probability of overfishing", cex.lab=1.2,
xlab="Harvest rate", xaxt="n")
x_lp <- c(0,0,0)
for(i in 1:length(x_lp)) {
x_lp[i] <- max(which(abs(Pr_over[,i] - 0.5) <= 0.05))
points(x=x_lp, y=rep(0.5,3), pch=21, cex=4, col="white", bg="white")
text(x=x_lp, y=0.5, expression(U[M75], U[MSY], U[Max]),
col=c("slateblue","blue","darkblue"), cex=0.8)
## posterior harvest rates over all years
hist(aer, col=clr, border="blue3", breaks=seq(0,40)/40,
main="", yaxs="i", xaxt="n",yaxt="n",ylab="")

Total population size
Here is our estimate of the total run size (i.e., catch + escapement) over time, which includes a forecast for 2016. The black points are the data, the blue line is the median posterior estimate, and the shaded region is the 95% credible interval. Note that the y-axis is on a log scale.
pDat <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Sp,2,quantile,probs=CI_vec)
pDat <- pDat + matrix(dat_harv,length(CI_vec),n_yrs+n_fore,byrow=TRUE)
t_idx_f <- seq(yr_frst,length.out=n_yrs+n_fore)
ypMin <- min(pDat)
ypMax <- max(pDat)
par(mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0.5,0.2,0.1,0.2))
plot(t_idx_f,pDat[3,], ylim=c(ypMin,ypMax), type="n", log="y", xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
xlab="Year", ylab="Catch + escapement", main="", cex.lab=1.2)
polygon(c(t_idx_f,rev(t_idx_f)),c(pDat[3,],rev(pDat[1,])), col=clr, border=NA)
lines(t_idx_f, pDat[2,], col="blue3", lwd=2)
points(t_idx_f, exp(ln_dat_esc)+dat_harv, pch=16, cex=1)

Here are several percentiles for the 2016 forecast for the total run size (i.e., catch + escapement).
## forecast
## 2.5% 6554
## 25% 9727
## 50% 11789
## 75% 14362
## 97.5% 21848
Correlation of innovations & SAR
Here is our estimate of the correlation between the model innovations (i.e, process residuals) and the smolt-to-adult return rate (i.e., logit transformed proportion of smolts that survive to adulthood) of hatchery steelhead from the Skagit R (Neala Kendall, WDFW, Olympia, WA, unpublished data). This gives an indication as to whether the unexplained variance in the productivity of wild fish might be related to the marine environment.
## get SAR data
dat_SAR <- read.csv(text = getURL(paste0(ex_url,"SkagitHatcherySAR.csv")))
## match brood yr to smolt outmigration yr
dat_SAR$br_yr <- dat_SAR$out_yr - 2
## get innov
innov <- t(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$res_ln_Rec)
## trim to same brood yrs as SAR data
innov <- innov[t_idx %in% dat_SAR$br_yr,]
## compute correlation over all mcmc samples
cor_vec <- apply(innov,2,function(x) { cor(qlogis(dat_SAR$SAR),x) })
## print median -/+ 95% credible interval
print(quantile(cor_vec,CI_vec), digits=2)
## 2.5% 50% 97.5%
## 0.028 0.301 0.535
The distribution of correlation coefficients has a median of 0.29, with a 95% credible interval of (0.032,0.52), which would suggest that the productivity of wild steelhead from the Skagit is also affected by the marine environment.
Additional results
The following results are not reported in the main manuscript, but are presented here as additional examples of other model estimates.
Spawners over time
Here is the estimate of the number of spawners over time. The black points are the data, the blue line is the median posterior estimate, and the shaded region is the 95% credible interval. Note that there are no estimates of spawners in 1996 & 1997.
pDat <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Sp,2,quantile,CI_vec)
ypMin <- min(pDat[,1:n_yrs])
ypMax <- max(pDat[,1:n_yrs])
t_idx_T <- seq(yr_frst,length.out=n_yrs)
par(mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0,0.2,0.1,0.2))
plot(t_idx_T,pDat[3,1:n_yrs], ylim=c(ypMin,ypMax), type="n", log="y", xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
xlab="Year", ylab="Spawners", main="", cex.lab=1.2)
polygon(c(t_idx_T,rev(t_idx_T)),c(pDat[3,1:n_yrs],rev(pDat[1,1:n_yrs])), col=clr, border=NA)
lines(t_idx_T, pDat[2,1:n_yrs], col="blue3", lwd=2)
points(seq(yr_frst,length.out=n_yrs+n_fore), exp(ln_dat_esc), pch=16, cex=1)

Recruits over time
Here are the estimated total number of recruits by brood year (note that the y-axis is on a log scale). Again the uncertainty increases in recent years because fewer complete age classes have been observed.
CI_vec <- c(0.025,0.5,0.975)
pDat <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Rec,c(1,2),sum)
pDat <- apply(apply(pDat,2,sort),2,function(x) { x[mcmc_samp*CI_vec] })
ypMin <- min(pDat)
ypMax <- max(pDat)
t_idx_a <- seq(yr_frst,length.out=n_yrs-age_min+n_fore)
par(mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0,0.2,0.1,0.2))
plot(t_idx_a,pDat[3,], ylim=c(ypMin,ypMax), type="n", log="y", yaxt="n",
xlab="Brood year", ylab="Recruits", main="", cex.lab=1.2)
polygon(c(t_idx_a,rev(t_idx_a)),c(pDat[3,],rev(pDat[1,])), col=clr, border=NA)
lines(t_idx_a, pDat[2,], col="blue3", lwd=2)

Recruits per spawner
Here is the time series of estimated recruits-per-spawner. Values above (below) the dashed line at zero indicate positive (negative) population growth.
pDat <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ln_RS,2,sort)
pDat <- apply(pDat,2,function(x) { x[mcmc_samp*CI_vec] })
pDat[2,] <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ln_RS,2,median)
ypMin <- min(pDat)
ypMax <- max(pDat)
par(mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0,0.2,0.1,0.2))
plot(t_idx_a,pDat[3,], ylim=c(ypMin,ypMax), type="n", #log="y",
xlab="Brood year", ylab="ln(R/S)", main="", cex.lab=1.2)
abline(h=0, lty="dashed")
polygon(c(t_idx_a,rev(t_idx_a)),c(pDat[3,],rev(pDat[1,])), col=clr, border=NA)
lines(t_idx_a, pDat[2,], col="blue3", lwd=2)

Age composition
Here are time series of the estimated proportions of each age class by brood year (cohort).
par(mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0,0.1,0.2,0.2))
clr <- rgb(0, 0, 255, alpha = 40, maxColorValue = 255)
age_est <- t(apply(apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$p_vec,c(3,2),mean),2,cumsum))
nRec <- n_yrs-age_min
plot(t_idx_a, rep(1,nRec+n_fore), ylab="Proportion", xlab="Brood year", ylim=c(0,1), las=1,
xaxs="i", yaxs="i", type="n", lty="solid", col="blue3", cex.lab=1.2)
for(i in c(1,2,3,4,6)) {
polygon(c(t_idx_a,rev(t_idx_a)),c(age_est[,i],rep(0,nRec+n_fore)), col=clr, border=NA)
lbl <- apply(cbind(c(0,age_est[nRec+n_fore,-A]),age_est[nRec+n_fore,]),1,mean)
text(par()$usr[2],par()$usr[4]*1.05,"Age", xpd=NA, pos=4, offset=0.05, col="black", cex=0.8)
text(par()$usr[2],lbl[1:4],seq(3,6), xpd=NA, pos=4, col="black", cex=0.7)
text(par()$usr[2],lbl[5],"7&8", xpd=NA, pos=4, offset=0.15, col="black", cex=0.7)

Recruits by age class
Here are the estimated number of recruits by brood year and age. Note that the uncertainty increases in recent years as fewer complete age classes have been observed.
CI_vec <- c(0.05,0.5,0.95)
par(mfrow=c(A,1), mai=c(0.1,0.1,0.05,0.1), omi=c(0.5,0.5,0.1,0))
t_idx_R <- seq(yr_frst,length.out=nRec+n_fore)
pltTT <- seq(min(round(t_idx_R/5,0)*5),max(round(t_idx_R/5,0)*5),5)
for(i in rev(1:A)) {
pDat <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Rec[,,i],2,sort)
pDat <- apply(pDat,2,function(x) { x[mcmc_samp*CI_vec] })/100
dd <- ifelse(max(pDat)<20,1,10)
ypMax <- Re2prec(max(pDat),prec=dd)
while(ypMax %% 3 != 0) { ypMax <- ypMax + dd }
plot(t_idx_R,pDat[3,], xlim=c(yr_frst+1,yr_last-n_fore-2), ylim=c(0.001,ypMax),
type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", main="", las=1)
polygon(c(t_idx_R,rev(t_idx_R)),c(pDat[3,],rev(pDat[1,])), col=clr, border=NA)
lines(t_idx_R, pDat[2,], col="blue3", lwd=2)
aHt <- (par()$usr[4]-par()$usr[3])/7
ttl <- paste("Age-",i+age_min-1,sep="")
text(t_idx_R[1]-0, par()$usr[4]-aHt, ttl, pos=4, cex=0.9)
if(i!=1) {axis(1,at=pltTT,labels=FALSE)} else {axis(1,at=pltTT)}
mtext("Recruits (100s)", 2, line=2, outer=TRUE, cex=1.2)
mtext("Year", 1, line=2.5, outer=TRUE, cex=1.2)

Time-varying productivity
Here is the time series of the time-varying productivity (\(a_t\)), which includes the cumulative effects of the 5 covariates.
pDat <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ln_Rkr_a,2,quantile,CI_vec)
ypMin <- min(pDat)
ypMax <- max(pDat)
par(mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0,0.2,0.1,0.2))
plot(t_idx_a,pDat[3,], ylim=c(ypMin,ypMax), type="n", #log="y",
xlab="Brood year", ylab="Productivity", main="", cex.lab=1.2)
polygon(c(t_idx_a,rev(t_idx_a)),c(pDat[3,],rev(pDat[1,])), col=clr, border=NA)
lines(t_idx_a, pDat[2,], col="blue3", lwd=2)

Here is the time series of the so-called “innovations”, which are the residuals from the process model. They give some indication of population productivity after accounting for the effects of density dependence.
pDat <- apply(mod_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$res_ln_Rec,2,quantile,CI_vec)
ypMin <- min(pDat)
ypMax <- max(pDat)
par(mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.1,0.1), omi=c(0,0.2,0.1,0.2))
plot(t_idx_a,pDat[3,], ylim=c(ypMin,ypMax), type="n", #log="y",
xlab="Brood year", ylab="Innovations", main="", cex.lab=1.2)
abline(h=0, lty="dashed")
polygon(c(t_idx_a,rev(t_idx_a)),c(pDat[3,],rev(pDat[1,])), col=clr, border=NA)
lines(t_idx_a, pDat[2,], col="blue3", lwd=2)